2020 Candidate Questionnaire

Welcome candidates!
If you would like to seek an endorsement from the Oregon Coalition of Police and Sheriffs (ORCOPS) for the May 2020 Primary Election, please complete and submit the online endorsement questionnaire form by following the instructions below.
It is due by 5:00pm on Friday, February 14.
Once questionnaires have been submitted, our Board will determine whether we will make an endorsement on the basis of the questionnaire responses alone or whether we will invite candidates to interviews.
Please note that ORCOPS may choose to make General Election endorsements on the basis of this questionnaire as well.
ORCOPS is a non-partisan organization that advocates on behalf of police officers, deputy sheriffs, and other individuals in Oregon law enforcement agencies. ORCOPS serves as a source of leadership within the law enforcement community and aims to build trust between law enforcement officers and the communities we serve. For more information on ORCOPS, check out www.orcops.org.
Feel free to call or e-mail me if you have any questions about the process or about the questionnaire itself.
Mike Selvaggio
(503) 739-3629
You must be logged into Ridgelark.com with a valid e-mail address in order to submit a questionnaire. This will allow you to review and edit your responses at any time up to the February 14 deadline. For your security, each account will only be associated with one candidate.
Once you hit "submit" you will be taken to a confirmation page that displays the candidate's name as a verification that your responses have been received. If the "submit" button does not take you to this confirmation page, it is possible you are not logged in or you may have missed a required field.
It is quick and free to set up an account. Simply click the sign-in widget below. You can create a new account or log in via an existing Google or Facebook account.
Once you are logged in, click the link below to submit your questionnaire responses or edit your previous submission.